Information Technology Equipment (CISPR 24)
With respect to Electromagnetic Compatibility, Information Technology Equipment is a group or “family” of product, which include devices that have a primary function related to the collection, transfer, storage, or processing of data. Such devices predominantly generate a multiplicity of periodic pulsed (binary) electrical waveforms. Devices that have only auxiliary data processing functions may be classified under other product family groups. Generally, ITE equipment is low voltage in nature, below 600V rated supply.
With respect to the European EMC Directive, the product family standard EN/IEC 55024: for Immunity address Information Technology Equipment. This product family standard is for; “any equipment which has a primary function of either or a combination of, entry, storage, display, retrieval, transmission, processing, switching or control, of data and of telecommunication messages and which may be equipped with one or more terminal ports typically operated for information transfer” as defined in EN 55022 Section 3.1. Examples of ITE may be any of or similar to examples such as:
- 1) Computers
- 2) Telecommunications Equipment
- 3) Monitors
- 4) Keyboards
- 5) Printers
- 6) Servers
- 7) Drives
- 8) Network HUBs
Accutest Can support compliance EMC testing for equipment listed in CISPR-24. The tests that we can support currently are listed below
Supported Tests listed in the above Standard
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) (IEC-61000-4-2)
Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test (EFT) (IEC-61000-4-4)
Surge Immunity Test (IEC-61000-4-5)
Immunity to Conducted Disturbances, Induced by Radio-Frequency Fields (IEC-61000-4-6)
Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Test (IEC-61000-4-8)
Voltage Dips and Short Interruptions immunity tests (IEC-61000-4-11)