Multimedia equipment - Emission (CISPR 32)

CISPR 32, the European harmonized standards adoption of CISPR 32 and applies to Multimedia Equipment (MME), including equipment that falls within the scope of CISPR 22 and CISPR 13. Procedures are given for the laboratory measurement (on site testing excluded) of the levels of spurious signals generated by the MME and limits are specified within the standard for protection of radio services in industrial, commercial or residential environments.

CISPR 32, the European harmonized standards adoption of CISPR 32 and applies to Multimedia Equipment (MME), including equipment that falls within the scope of CISPR 22 and CISPR 13. Procedures are given for the laboratory measurement (on site testing excluded) of the levels of spurious signals generated by the MME and limits are specified within the standard for protection of radio services in industrial, commercial or residential environments.

The intention of this publication is to establish requirements that provide adequate protection to the radio spectrum and allow radio service to operate as intended without debilitating interference. In addition, the standard provides procedures to ensure repeatability and reproduction of test results.

Accutest Can support compliance EMC testing for equipment listed in CISPR-32. The tests that we can support currently are listed below

Supported Tests listed in the above Standard