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MIL-STD 461 Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) & Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment – U.S. Department of Defense

Created by the US Department of Defense (DoD) in 1960, the Defense Radio Frequency Compatibility Program evolved into MIL-STD-461, which was officially created in 1967. Along with MIL-STD-462 and MIL-STD-463, MIL-STD-461 was intended to be used as a tri-service EMI specification. MIL-STD 461 identified the requirements, 462 detailed them and 463 contained definitions and acronyms. MIL-STD 462 was combined with MIL-STD 461 in revision E of 1999. MIL-STD 463 was superseded by IEEE ANSI C63.14

Use and Applicability

DI-EMCS-80201 – (EMITP) Electromagnetic Interference Test Procedures. Used to describe the measurement procedures applied to demonstrate compliance based on MIL-STD 461

DI-EMCS-80200 – (EMITR) Electromagnetic Interference Test Report. The results of the testing performed.

DI-EMCS-80199 – (EMICP) Electromagnetic Interference Control Procedures. Used to describe EMI control requirements, design techniques, mitigation and the people and their roles and responsibilities related to such.

List of Specific Tests (MIL-STD 461G)

CE101, conducted emissions, audio frequency currents, power leads.

CE102, conducted emissions, radio frequency potential, power leads.

CE106, conducted emissions, antenna port.

CS101, conducted susceptibility, power leads.

CS103, conducted susceptibility, antenna port, intermodulation.

CS104, conducted susceptibility, antenna port, rejection of undesired signals.

CS105, conducted susceptibility, antenna port, cross modulation.

CS109, conducted susceptibility, structure current.

CS114, conducted susceptibility, bulk cable injection

CS115, conducted susceptibility, bulk cable injection, impulse excitation

CS116, conducted susceptibility, damped sinusoidal transients, cables and power leads.

CS117, conducted susceptibility, lightning induced transients, cables and power leads.

CS118, personnel borne electrostatic discharge.

RE101, radiated emissions, magnetic field

RE102, radiated emissions, electric field

RE103, radiated emissions, antenna spurious and harmonic outputs.

RS101, radiated susceptibility, magnetic field.

RS103, radiated susceptibility, electric field.

RS105, radiated susceptibility, transient electromagnetic field.